I Make Stuff

Gary Vaynerchuck Quote - Inspiration
Gary Vaynerchuck Quote – Inspiration

Let me rephrase that… I LOVE making stuff. Making anything that does not yet exist drives me. I lose sleep thinking about ways to make my ideas and inventions come to life. I know that’s my passion, and talent. It has taken a long time to fully understand and accept that about myself, but it’s one thing I absolutely know about myself. No question, it’s one of my God-given purposes in life. I could build prototypes all day and all night, and I would completely lose track of time.

art supplies-building supplies -
Some of My Maker Supplies

Which brings me to the topic of self-awareness. Being a business owner and entrepreneur, I have worn many many hats. It is necessary and valuable to serve every role in your company, to a point. You learn what you are really good at, and what you should delegate to someone who is more capable and skilled at other tasks. You have to let go of some responsibilities, and surround yourself with people who are better at those jobs than you. Letting go is really, really hard. Choose people who are better than you at those things, and also passionate about what they do well.

I know what drives me and what energizes me and what makes my soul happy. I will use that to keep moving forward, and never stop the hustle.

Stop Whining, start hustling - Gary Vaynerchuck
Stop Whining, Start Hustling – Gary Vaynerchuck

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